Krysta DeBoer

Executive Director

Executive Director Krysta DeBoer provides leadership and support to the overall mission, vision, and strategy of the Center for Urban Teaching (CfUT) and oversees development of CfUT’s recruitment, training, and support efforts. Under her leadership, CfUT has expanded its pipeline from eight participants in 2010 to now serving over 1500 prospective teacher candidates across the nation. Krysta’s efforts have also greatly improved organizational sustainability as early on CfUT was 100% reliant on philanthropy and 0% self-funded. Today, CfUT covers at least 40% of the total organizational expenses through earned revenue. Krysta is a graduate of Wisconsin Lutheran College, an alumna of the Center for Urban Teaching, and holds her M.S. in Educational Leadership: Professional Learning from Cardinal Stritch University. Krysta has served as the Executive Director of CfUT for eleven years.

The Center for Urban Teaching (CfUT) recognizes that teacher and leader quality is key to student achievement. The independent, Christian non-profit Milwaukee organization identifies, prepares, and supports high-performing urban teachers and leaders for choice, charter, and public schools. CfUT is an essential member of the school choice ecosystem in Milwaukee. The idea for CfUT’s talent pipeline grew out of a need to solve teacher shortages in the community. CfUT gives aspiring teachers and leaders exposure to schools across the country and practical training and mentoring. It attracts participants representing over 70 universities and recruits them to serve here in Wisconsin. CfUT also provides individualized coaching to new teachers and leaders to boost retention. CfUT’s ground-up model is effectively developing quality teachers and leaders capable of shaping individual students as well as entire schools.


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